Can you grow Radishes indoors?

Can you grow Radishes indoors?

Yes you can, and if you provide the right light and the right soil you can actually have radishes ready to eat in 1-2 months. This makes radishes one of the easiest plants to grow and harvest inside, although you need quite a big planter to have enough radishes for a salad 🙂

RapidLapse brings us a nice time lapse that shows us you can actually harvest some types of radishes in as little as 31 days. It can be done in small pots or containers with very little maintenance. This timelapse video is interesting because the plant looks like it is dancing while growing out of seed. For a speedy growth, you can jump start the seeds by soaking them in paper towels for 24 hours prior to planting.

Although radishes dont need fertilizers, RapidLapse used Osmocote pellets added on the surface of the soil periodically. The pellets last for 6 months as they slowly decompose into fertilizers.

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What if you want to grow more radishes at once not just one? ShigwTimelapse shows us it can be done as well with ease, just make sure you have enough space between the seeds to allow the radishes to grow:

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What if you want to grow some other types of radishes, not just only the red ones? NY SOKHOM shows us how to grow big White Radish in pots from seeds to harvest in just 45 days outside.

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5 weeks… 12h/Day Led Grow Light… One Photo Every 10min – a time lapse by eMotionScapes that shows us what can you get even from a small container

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What if you have problems growing radishes? The most common thing is that you grow only the leafy green but no radishes.

Of course, there are plenty of radish varieties that you can try:

  • The ‘April Cross’
  • ‘Bunny Tail’
  • ‘Cherry Belle’
  • ‘Champion’
  • ‘Red King’
  • ‘Sicily Giant’
  • ‘Snow Belle’
  • ‘White Icicle’
  • ‘French Breakfast’
  • ‘Plum Purple’
  • ‘Gala’ and ‘Roodbol’
  • ‘Easter Egg’
  • ‘Black Spanish’
  • ‘Daikon’
  • ‘Korean radish’

and many more. So what so you want to grow today?

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